Uniden BBTY0545001 Battery

Batteries Direct sells the BBTY0545001 manufactured by Empire Scientific for only $14.99. That is the total cost. There are NO shipping or handling charges.

Batteries Direct also backs up the BBTY0545001 Battery sale with our One Year Power Performance Pledge™ No-Hassle Warranty , Money Back Guarantee and Toll Free Customer Support.

We hope you will choose to buy your replacement BBTY0545001 Battery from Batteries Direct. Batteries Direct is a service oriented company that has been online since 1996 and we want to make you a lifetime customer.

Uniden BBTY0545001 Cordless Phone Battery

Uniden BBTY0545001

Enjoy long uninterrupted talk time with the Uniden BBTY0545001 nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery. This battery is designed to power Uniden cordless telephones. Nickel-metal hydride batteries are preferred for cordless telephones because they are less prone to memory effect when compared to their nickel-cadmium counterparts.

How do I ensure that the Uniden BBTY0545001 is ideal for my cordless telephone?

With an output DC voltage of 3.6 volts, the BBTY0545001 Cordless Phone Battery gets your phone powered up and rearing to go. The power capacity of 800 mAh provides a power backup solution and extended runtime capabilities for your cordless phone. The Uniden BBTY0545001 Battery measures 2.0 x 1.2 x 0.45 (L X W X T) inches, so it will fit comfortably into your Uniden cordless phone model.

Why should I opt for a NiMH battery for my cordless telephone?

Most cordless telephones use nickel-metal hydride batteries. NiMH batteries are known to have higher energy densities and greater power capacities compared to alkaline and nickel cadmium batteries. In NiMH batteries, the memory effect is not very significant. This quality allows you to use the battery for an extended period. If you are environmentally conscious, you will be happy to known that these batteries are less detrimental to the environment, as they use only a few toxic chemicals.

Why do I ever need to replace a battery that is rechargeable?

The life and number of charge cycles of a rechargeable battery vary depending on usage. A chemical reaction occurs every time the battery supplies power or gets charged. In the process, a part of the chemistry is depleted, and eventually the battery wears out. This is the reason why rechargeable batteries need to be replaced once in a while.

Which cordless telephone models are compatible with the Uniden BBTY0545001 Battery?

The Uniden BBTY0545001 Cordless Phone Battery is compatible with Uniden 5.8 GHz cordless phones.

What are the additional replacement part numbers or cross references for the Uniden BBTY0545001?

If you currently have the Dantona BATT-BT3, Uniden BT-0003, or V-Tech 00-0003-00-00 batteries installed in your cordless telephones, you can upgrade to the Uniden BBTY0545001 Battery for an extended runtime.

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